Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Get out of the April Showers with Knit Lit-- Saturday, April 10!

April will be a fun discussion-- we're reading The Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George.

Returning home from the war, young Galen finds work with his mother’s family in the royal gardens. There he learns that the king’s twelve daughters have a secret: every night they dance their shoes to tatters, but no one knows how or why. When prince after prince tries and fails to find the answer, and the family is haunted by accusations of witchcraft, Galen decides to help. Armed with a pair of silver knitting needles and an invisibility cloak given to him by a strange old woman, he follows the princesses and unlocks the secret of their curse. (Summary from author website)

Author Jessica Day George has lots of interesting information about why she wrote this book on her website. Bonus- knitting patterns!

There are some good discussion questions about the book here.

And if you like the book, the author has finished a sequel to it already! No word on a release date, but stay tuned.