Thursday, July 9, 2009

July and August updates!

The dog days of summer are here-- be sure to beat the heat with the Knit*Lit book club choices!

Saturday, July 11 is going to be our discussion on Gil McNeil's charming "Brit Knit" book, The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club. It's getting rave reviews from the speedy readers in the club, so we're going to look forward to your opinion on it this Saturday!

August 8th we'll get to gether to discuss The Florabama Ladies' Auxiliary & Sewing Circle by Lois Battle. (Available in both regular and large print) This story begins with the closing of the Cherished Lady, a lingerie factory where most of the characters work as seamstresses.

Review from the Penguin Reading Guide:

Lois Battle's newest novel is about women whose lives change in an instant. For Bonnie Cullman, the change comes when her husband reveals that he has squandered hundreds of thousands of dollars, and that he is leaving her without a dime. For Ruth and Hilly and the rest of their coworkers, the change comes when they learn that Cherished Lady, the company they work for, is moving to Mexico and leaving them without a paycheck. In terms of circumstances, living style, and expectations, you couldn't find a bigger difference between Bonnie and the workers laid off from Cherished Lady. But they have more in common than it appears. They have resilience, strength, and principles. They have the ability to see beyond the limitations of their present lives. And they have the power to help themselves and each other.